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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Galip Gürel

The Science and Art of Porcelain Laminate Veneers

1st Edition 2003
Hardcover, 24 x 30 cm, 528 Seiten, 1200 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde, Prothetik, Restaurative Zahnheilkunde

Artikelnr.: 14581
ISBN 978-1-85097-060-6
QP Deutschland

198,00 € 98,00 €
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The Science and Art of Porcelain Laminate Veneers details the expanding field of porcelain laminate veneers in esthetic dentistry. It guides the esthetic dentist in understanding the needs of the patient and formulating a treatment plan that includes not only esthetic considerations, such as color and smile design, but also occlusal, periodontal, and functional requirements. In addition, it discusses the use of porcelain laminate veneers in diastema closure, the treatment of tetracycline discoloration, and in conjunction with orthodontic therapy. New techniques to ensure minimally invasive tooth preparation and maximum space creation for the dental technician are explored, and impression materials for porcelain laminate veneers are compared. The detailed guides to alternative porcelain materials and their step-by-step applications make this book invaluable for general practitioners, dental technicians, and the entire esthetic team.

Chapter 01. Esthetic Dentistry
Chapter 02. Smile Design
Chapter 03. Adhesion
Chapter 04. Occlusion
Chapter 05. Color
Chapter 06. Periodontal Considerations in Esthetic Treatment Planning
Chapter 07. Atlas of PLVs
Chapter 08. Failures
Chapter 09. PLVs for Diastema Closure
Chapter 10. PLVs for Tetracycline Discoloration
Chapter 11. Adjunctive Orthodontics as Related to Periodontics and Cosmetic Dentistry
Chapter 12. Periodontal Treatment and PLVs
Chapter 13. Special Considerations
Chapter 14. Patient Education and the Management of Cosmetic Dentistry: A Team Approach

Stephen J. Chu • Korkud Demirel • Jean-François Roulet • Claude R. Rufenacht

Dr. Galip Gürel DDS, MSc

Türkei, Istanbul
Vorschau Beschreibung Dateiformat Download
Cover, Gürel: The Science and Art of Porcelain Laminate Veneers
"...In all, this is an extremely well-written book that is an all-encompassing guide to the subject of esthetics, and specifically the porcelain laminate veneer. The number (1,200) and quality of the photographs and illustrations are truly remarkable and should establish standards for future efforts in the area of clinical dentistry. Of special note is the effort and detail evident in the drawings used to describe the various esthetic principles. For those readers wishing to look further into a specific area of interest, the bibliographies at the end of each chapter are very thorough. While sequencing of the material, especially in the periodontal area, may be a little awkward, the information is all there. For dental practitioners looking to get started in the area of procelain laminate veneers, or for experienced practitioners looking to fine tune their treatment delivery, this is a book that definitely belongs in their library."
Dr. Thom Ziemiecki; Book Reviews (September 2004, Volume 13, Number 3)

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